Changes start small

Did you know that the water-based lacquer percentage of our products is over 60%?PCG – Beyond the surface.
More about sustainability and environmental protection

As a reliable partner for the production and sale of laquers, colours, stains, patination paints as well as waxes and oils we are particularly responsible for the environment. But does the chemical industry and environmental protection really match?

Our actions have always been determined by thinking of tomorrow and the next generation. Therefore, sustainability for us is not only a question of environmental protection, but also of looking ahead and safeguarding the future. And a question of the right perspective. In this way, we maintain sustainable corporate development in many areas and always try to keep an eye on the big picture.

Sustainability does not only mean climate and environmental protection for us. In our daily activities we also consider our responsibility for our employees, our customers and the energy, raw material, production, and logistics fields.

The earth is like a surface – sensitive and worth protecting

This is how we think and act in matters of sustainability and environmental protection.
Leaflet as pdf